React Native Vs MCSS

In today's world of mobile application development there are several options to choose from when creating cross-platform applications, such as the popular React Native. However, if the goal is to create a 100% native application for its performance and compatibility with new versions released by operating systems, we will see why MCSS is the best option for both. Next we will make a brief comparison between React Native and MCSS.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework for building mobile applications that was originally developed by Facebook. It allows developers to build cross-platform apps using the React JavaScript library, which means that apps can be written once and deployed on both iOS and Android platforms.

Facebook initially developed React Native to create mobile apps for their own platform, but later decided to open-source the technology, making it available for other developers to use.

Despite its initial success and popularity, Facebook eventually shifted away from using React Native for their own apps, citing limitations in the framework's performance and scalability for their needs. However, React Native continues to be actively maintained by the open-source community and is a popular choice for many mobile app developers, particularly those who prioritize code sharing and fast development cycles.

What is MCSS?

MCSS (Mobile Cascade Style Sheet) is a pre-processor for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It extends the standard CSS syntax and makes it easier to write and maintain styles for mobile applications. MCSS provides a wide range of features and tools that can simplify the styling process and make it easier to manage styles for large projects.

Key features of MCSS while developing an app:

  • Syntax MCSS
    MCSS uses the syntax established by CSS, for the design of web applications, therefore it is straightforward to use for people who have little knowledge in CSS, But if you have not used CSS, this is not a problem, because MCSS has a very low learning curve.
  • Reuse Code
    In development, reusing code allows for speeding up development since we can use previously developed code. MCSS provides us with attractive examples that we can apply to our apps in a fairly simple way.
  • Selectors
    You can use the selectors by component, by class, and by ID for more information visit our documentation at MCSS Docs
  • Importing
    MCSS provides the ability to import styles from other MCSS files, making it easier to maintain and manage styles for a large project.

Comparison (MCSS vs React Native)

React Native is a popular framework for developing mobile apps that allows you to build cross-platform applications using JavaScript and React. While React Native is a powerful tool, it is not without its limitations. One of the main drawbacks is that it relies on a bridge between JavaScript and native code, which can impact performance.

On the other hand, MCSS is a lightweight styling language designed specifically for styling native applications. Unlike React Native, MCSS works with the native languages of each operating system, which ensures better performance and all the advantages of native apps compared to hybrid apps.

Another advantage of MCSS is its ease of use. With a simple syntax that is similar to CSS, developers can quickly and easily style their native apps using MCSS. This makes it a great option for developers who want to focus on building their app's functionality without getting bogged down in complex styling frameworks.

Overall, while React Native has its strengths, MCSS is a better choice for developers who want to create high-performance, native mobile apps that are optimized for each operating system's unique capabilities.

What makes Unique

MCSS offers several unique advantages for mobile app development. Firstly, MCSS uses only the native languages of each operating system, which guarantees better performance and a smoother user experience. Additionally, unlike hybrid frameworks like React Native, MCSS does not require an additional layer of abstraction and can be integrated directly into native code.

Another unique advantage of MCSS is its ability to work with CSS-like properties, which makes the transition from web developers to mobile development easier. Furthermore, MCSS's clear and concise syntax makes it easy to learn and use for those who are already familiar with CSS.

Overall, MCSS offers an elegant and efficient solution for native mobile app development. By leveraging the unique features of each operating system, MCSS allows developers to create apps with high performance and exceptional user experience on each platform.

What makes MCSS unique:

  • CSS Preprocessor: MCSS is a CSS preprocessor, which makes it easier for developers to write and maintain styles for mobile devices.
  • Consistent Look and Feel: MCSS enables developers to create applications with a consistent look and feel, regardless of the platform, by providing a single stylesheet that can be used across all platforms.
  • Maintains Separation of Concerns: MCSS helps maintain the separation of concerns in the development process, making it easier for developers to manage and maintain their applications.
  • Improved Code Reusability: MCSS enables developers to reuse styles across different platforms, making it possible to create applications with a consistent look and feel with less code.


While React Native and MCSS have some similarities, they are fundamentally different technologies. React Native allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps using a single codebase, while MCSS focuses on providing a CSS-like syntax for styling native apps.

That being said, if you are looking to develop a large and complex native app project, it is generally recommended to do so natively. In this case, MCSS could be the best option to style your app as it integrates with popular IDEs such as Xcode or Visual Studio while still maintaining the native app's performance and functionality.


While React Native and MCSS both offer solutions for developing mobile applications, their approaches to development and their respective ecosystems are quite different.

React Native has a large and active community, which provides a wealth of resources, libraries, and components that can be used to build mobile apps quickly. However, these libraries and components are often built on top of a layer of abstraction, which can cause performance issues and limit access to certain device features.

In contrast, MCSS is a more lightweight solution that relies solely on the native languages of each operating system. This allows for greater control and flexibility when developing mobile apps, as well as better performance and access to device features. While the MCSS ecosystem may not be as large as React Native's, it is growing and includes a variety of tools and resources for developers.

Development Procedure

The development procedures for MCSS and React Native are slightly different, as they are designed to solve different challenges in the mobile development process. Here is a general overview of the development procedure for each technology:

MCSS Development Procedure:

  • Setup: MCSS can be added to a project by including the MCSS library in the project's dependencies.
  • Writing Styles: Styles are written in MCSS and are used to style the application. MCSS provides a CSS preprocessor, making it easier to write and maintain styles.
  • Using Styles: The styles written in MCSS are applied to the application, which creates a consistent look and feel across different platforms.
  • Testing and Debugging: The application is tested and debugged, ensuring that it works as expected and that the styles are applied correctly.

React Native Development Procedure:

  • Setup: React Native requires setting up a development environment, which typically involves installing a development environment, such as Xcode or Android Studio, and setting up the React Native CLI.
  • Writing Code: Code is written in JavaScript, using the React Native framework. React Native provides a range of components that can be used to create a mobile application, including UI components, APIs, and other tools.
  • Testing and Debugging: The application is tested and debugged, ensuring that it works as expected and that the code is free of bugs and errors.
  • Deployment: The application is deployed to the desired platform, such as iOS or Android, and is ready for use.


Here's an example of a simple program written in MCSS and React Native that demonstrates the ease of use and time-saving benefits of MCSS compared to React Native:

Example in MCSS:

  1. .linearExI {    
  2.   background-color#2F51E5;    
  3.   padding-left80px;    
  4.   padding-right80px;    
  5.   padding-top100px;    
  6. }    
  7. .edittextExI {    
  8.   colorwhite;    
  9.   background-color#2F51E5;    
  10.   text-transformuppercase;    
  11.   text-aligncenter;    
  12.   border-color#FFFFFF;    
  13.   border-width5px;    
  14.   text-transformcapitalize;    
  15. }    
  16. .buttonExI {    
  17.   text-alignjustify;    
  18.   text-transformcapitalize;    
  19.   colornavy;    
  20.   background-color#E9BC6B;    
  21.   font-size80px;    
  22.   font-weightbold;    
  23. }    
  24. .switchI {    
  25.   font-size70px;    
  26.   background-colorred;    
  27.   thumb-color#CBC8C4;    
  28.   colorwhite;    
  29. }    
  30. Statusbar {    
  31.   background#152466;    
  32. }    
  33. ActionBar {    
  34.   background#152466;    
  35. }  

Example in React Native:

  1. App.css
  2. .App {  
  3.     display"flex";  
  4.     justify-contentcenter;  
  5.     text-aligncenter;  
  6. }  

  1. App.js

  2. import './App.css';  
  4. function App() {  
  5.     const imputStyle = {  
  6.       color"white",  
  7.       backgroundColor: "#2F51E5",  
  8.       width"200px",  
  9.       height"22px",  
  10.       marginTop: "10px",  
  11.       borderColor: "#FFFFFF",  
  12.       textAlign: "center",  
  13.       borderWidth: "2px",  
  14.       textTransform: "capitalize",  
  15.     };  
  17.     const buttontStyle = {  
  18.       height"35px",  
  19.       padding"6px",  
  20.       width"210px",  
  21.       color"navy",  
  22.       backgroundColor: "#E9BC6B",  
  23.       display"flex",  
  24.       justifyContent: "center",  
  25.       textAlign: "justify",  
  26.       textTransform: "capitalize",  
  27.       fontSize: "18px",  
  28.       fontWeight: "bold",  
  29.     };  
  31.     const container = {  
  32.       paddingTop: "20px",  
  33.       display"flex",  
  34.       justifyContent: "center",  
  35.    }  
  37.    const masterContent = {  
  38.     display"flex",  
  39.     justifyContent: "center",  
  40.   }  
  42.     const appContent = {  
  43.       backgroundColor: "#2F51E5",  
  44.       padding"20px",  
  45.       width"340px",  
  46.       height"180px",  
  47.       margin"20px",  
  48.       boxShadow:"0 12px 15px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.24),0 17px 50px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.19)",  
  49.       borderRadius: "7px",  
  50.       opacity: "0.90",  
  51.     }  
  53.     const checkRemember = {  
  54.       backgroundColor: "#2F51E5",  
  55.       color:"white",  
  56.       width"340px",  
  57.       marginTop: "10px",  
  58.       paddingTop: "20px",  
  59.       opacity: "0.90",  
  60.     }  
  61.   return (  
  62.     <div style={masterContent}>  
  63.       <div className="App" style={appContent}>  
  64.           <input name="user" placeholder='USER'  style={imputStyle}></input>  
  65.           <input name="password" placeholder='PASSWORD' style={imputStyle}></input>  
  67.           <div style={container}><button name="login" style={buttontStyle}>Login</button></div>  
  68.          <div style={checkRemember}>  
  69.             <label>  
  70.                <input type="checkbox"></input>Remember me  
  71.             </label>  
  72.          </div>  
  73.           </div>  
  74.     </div>  
  75.   );  
  76. }  
  78. export default App;  

In this example, the MCSS code is much shorter and simpler compared to the React Native code, making it quicker and easier to write and understand. With MCSS, developers can quickly create UI elements with simple CSS styles, while with React Native, developers must create components and write styles in JavaScript. This example demonstrates that MCSS is a faster and more efficient framework compared to React Native, making it an attractive choice for developers who want to get up and running quickly with their mobile development projects.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between React Native and MCSS for mobile app development, MCSS offers a clear advantage in terms of native performance, ease of use, and integration with IDEs. While React Native has its own set of strengths, such as a larger community and a wider range of available components, MCSS's focus on native development makes it the better choice for building large and complex applications that demand high performance and a seamless user experience.

Looking forward, the trend in mobile development is moving towards a focus on native development, and frameworks like MCSS will only become more important in the future. With the ability to easily create native apps that integrate with any IDE, MCSS offers a solution that is both efficient and powerful, making it the ideal choice for anyone looking to build high-quality mobile applications.

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